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There are constantly new weight loss programs, fad diets, exercise machines, pills, and new procedures coming out as a way to lose weight. These programs are absolutely everywhere, so when you’re having trouble losing weight, it can be nearly impossible to choose the right kind of program for you.

Although many weight loss programs are initially effective, not many of them offer lasting weight loss or, more importantly, lasting health. Almost none offer solutions to emotional eating, compulsive eating, and whole body detoxification to the toxins in today’s society. When the body isn’t working as it should, it holds onto fat as a health precaution and enters a fat storing stage. There are many secrets why this occurs, however, many weight loss ideas even make the problem worse.

I believe there are 10 secrets to weight loss. Secrets 1 and 2 below are examples of what not do.

Weight loss secret #1:

Skipping Meals

Reducing Calories

Letting Yourself Get Hungry

TRUTH: These things all slow down your metabolism,
thus leading to weight gain.

Weight loss secret # 2:

Eating Refined Sugars and Grains

TRUTH: Refined carbohydrates increase insulin production, which leads to weight gain.

In my office the objective is to help you lose extra weight, keep that weight off, and feel fantastic! The truth is, effective and lasting weight loss will never be found in gimmick procedures, pre-packaged foods, or special pills or potions, but instead in the wholesome foods the earth provides and a healthy lifestyle which includes detoxification. Don’t fall for a program that doesn’t take work on your end, because it takes work to lose weight the healthy permanent way. The truth is, when the body has everything it needs, unneeded weight will come off without effort and your proper weight will be maintained. The work is in getting healthy!

For more information, contact Dr. Scoppa, Club Reduce at (407) 417-5588 or visit for upcoming free seminar dates to start your road to weight loss success today. You can register to receive a free weight loss report that will educate you on some of the basics of healthy and natural weight loss. Call us or read next month’s “A Better You” to learn Secrets 3-10. Finally drop the extra weight and feel fantastic! Get your energy and libido back! You can have your dream body.

Dr. Scoppa has over 20 years combined educational and clinical practice experience. Originally a clinical scientist in pharmacokinetics for Dupont Pharmaceuticals and then Bristol-Myers Squibb, he continued his education with a doctorate in chiropractic medicine from Palmer Chiropractic College Florida. Following his doctorate he has continued to study holistic medicine and now dedicates his time to treating patients in his clinics in Winter Springs and Orlando, Florida.